

On-Site Sonography


Onsite Sonography

On-site Sonography

We have a fully staffed sonography department here at Parkmed NYC. Your sonograms are performed by our in-house sonographers and your results are uploaded into our Electronic Medical System. Your Physician will interpret the results on the same visit.

We are equipped with state of the art ultrasound machines. We perform advanced Doppler Sonography on any patient that may need such study without any delay. In this way we can detect potential hidden risks and take appropriate preventative measures and protect the health and well being of our patients.

Your Health Is Everything

We are committed to compassion And Quality with a Patient-Friendly Approach

Annual Gynecologic and Well/Annual Exam

Having an annual health care visit is a great opportunity to take charge of your health. A well/annual visit provides an excellent opportunity to discuss methods of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and minimizing health risks. Physicians have an opportunity to contribute to your overall health and well-being by providing recommended preventive care and counseling or refer for recommended services. Routine health care visits can help find problems early or prevent health problems before they occur. If problems are found early, they may be easier to treat and less likely to pose serious risks to your health. These assessments should include screening, evaluation/counseling, and immunizations based on age and risk factors.

A key component of a well/annual visit for a reproductive-aged patient is the development and discussion of a reproductive life plan to ensure that medical testing and treatments provided are aligned with the patient’s current and future plans. A discussion of a reproductive life plan may include pre-pregnancy counseling, infertility assessment, or the full range of contraceptive options. Routine screening for gynecological diseases or conditions are equally as important, and periodic well/annual visits are appropriate and necessary for perimenopausal and postmenopausal patients as well.


  • Complete Medical, Surgical, Social and Family history
  • Comprehensive Gynecologic, Menstrual and Sexual history
  • Physical examination, including breast and/or pelvic examination
  • Reproductive and Sexual health
  • Preconception and Fertility counseling, Genetic screening
  • Birth control, Contraception and Family planning
  • Preventative practices, Immunizations, appropriate age-related screening and referrals
  • PAP smear, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Cervical cancer screening
  • Breast cancer screening
  • Counseling for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
  • Screening for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
  • Alcohol, Tobacco & Drug use counseling and services
  • Screening for interpersonal and domestic violence
  • Depression screening
  • Mental health, lifestyle, work and stress maintenance
  • Weight control and Nutrition counseling
  • Screening and diagnosis of non-gynecologic diseases
  • Cardiovascular risk factors
  • Perimenopause, Menopause and Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Use of complementary and alternative medicine
  • Evaluation for gynecologic surgery