

Anesthesia Options

anesthesia options


Anesthesia Options​

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What to expect

Gynecological surgeries and abortion procedures can be performed with several different methods of anesthesia, including local anesthesia, sedation, “twilight sleep,” general anesthesia, topical anesthesia, as well as with a combination of methods. Our board-certified anesthesiologists are trained to deliver and assist in all methods of anesthesia and will tailor your experience to be as safe and pain-free as possible. You and your physician can review all your options to make the choice of anesthesia that is best and safest for you.

This is the most commonly used method of anesthesia at Parkmed NYC, and approximately 1/3 of all ambulatory anesthesia services in the United States are performed with MAC. This anesthesia is administered through an IV to make the patient sleepy and calm during a procedure and can vary from a painless, relaxed, light sleep to a heavier sedation depending on the dose required. The patient is not paralyzed and can breathe on their own, while vital signs are closely monitored throughout the entire procedure. The most common used medication for this type of sedation is called Propofol and this medication wears off quickly (<10 minutes) and the patient is able to awake shortly after the procedure is over. Side effects are minimal and usually limited to nausea and grogginess, but still require an escort to go home safely.

Local anesthesia is often used for bedside procedures, as well as for short operative procedures and for patients who are not candidates for other types of anesthesia. Local anesthetics are used to block nerve transmission, to reduce or eliminate sensation or pain while you are awake. The onset of anesthesia is almost immediate and wears off rapidly (within several minutes). Commonly used local anesthetics include Lidocaine (with or without epinephrine) and Bupivacaine. A para-cervical block is a common technique, which is performed by injecting a designated amount of anesthetic into the cervical stroma. The nerve blockade can vary from person to person and each patient can have a different experience with local anesthesia. While the goal is always to completely alleviate any pain sensation, it is still possible to feel pain and/or mild discomfort during the procedure.

General anesthesia is a medically induced sleep which results in unconsciousness and elimination of reflexes/movement and requires airway management (placement of breathing tube.). This form of anesthesia is appropriate for most major and extensive surgeries and is commonly used in a hospital setting. While most procedures performed at Parkmed do not require general anesthesia, our anesthesiologists are equipped to provide such services if necessary. 

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We strive to provide A caring environment where patients feel free to express their concerns.

Your Health Is Everything

We are committed to compassion And Quality with a Patient-Friendly Approach

patient-friendly, highly skilled and responsive professionals

patient-centered environment designed to reduce anxiety and make our patients comfortable as they go though their abortion procedure

Patient-centered environment

At Parkmed NYC individual abortion counseling is available to all patients and offered by trained and sensitive professionals who have been chosen because of their effectiveness in dealing with the abortion needs of individuals of all ages with special attention given to teenagers. Post-operative abortion counseling and abortion follow-up care are also provided on-site.

Parkmed NYC is a clean and modern clinical space for ambulatory surgery located in the heart of Manhattan and New York City. We are committed to a program of constant re-evaluation, redesign, and rebuilding in order to offer our patients the most advanced medical technologies and procedures. Our facility includes emergency-equipped operating suites and comfortable recovery rooms. The Parkmed NYC on-site laboratory accurately tests for determination of pregnancy, CBC, and urine tests. We also test for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Parkmed NYC offers patients the most advanced approved procedures, including abortions up to 27.6 weeks, non-surgical abortions (Abortion Pill), early abortions, tubal ligations, colposcopy, and LEEP.

Parkmed NYC also has a 24-hour emergency hotline which gives patients immediate access to our medical team. Patients requiring inpatient abortion services are treated by our Team of Physicians at New York’s finest hospitals.

The Parkmed NYC on-site laboratory accurately tests for determination of pregnancy, CBC, and urine tests. We also test for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Parkmed NYC offers patients the most advanced approved procedures, including abortions up to 27.6 weeks, non-surgical abortions (Abortion Pill), early abortions, tubal ligations, colposcopy and LEEP.

The entire staff at Parkmed NYC are highly skilled professionals working as a team, focused on the patient’s well-being. The team’s leader is our full-time board certified Medical Director. He is supported in this role by our full-time board certified Director of Anesthesia, helped by our supporting staff of board certified gynecologists, anesthesiologists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, nursing assistants, and counselors.

Parkmed NYC surgeons are highly qualified physicians who have met the high standard of our demanding credentialing process. Our nursing staff is of the highest caliber as well, comprised of knowledgeable and experienced reproductive and abortion care clinicians who reflect the diversity of the patient population we serve.

Many of our physicians and support staff are fluent in several languages and offer patients an opportunity to receive care from individuals who understand their cultures as well as their languages. Female providers are available.