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Diaphram Birth Control

Diaphragm Birth Control NYC


Diaphragm Birth Control

diaphragm Birth Control
What is a diaphragm?

A question that many people have when first hearing about the diaphragm, is “What is a diaphragm?” The birth control diaphragm is a soft, rubber cap-shaped device which acts as a barrier to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. In order for the diaphragm to be effective, it must be used in combination with spermicidal cream or jelly.

Spermicide is spread in the center of the diaphragm and around the rim. The birth control diaphragm can be inserted in the vagina up to one hour before intercourse, and must remain in place for at least six hours after intercourse. If the couple wants to have sex again within the six hours, the diaphragm must stay in place but more spermicide must be added with a special plunger. To remove the diaphragm, the individual gently pulls it out.

Internal Birth Control (Diaphragms)

These discreet, internal methods of birth control may be just the solution for your pregnancy prevention. When used properly with the spermicide cream or jelly, the diaphragm is about 90% effective. The diaphragm or the spermicide used alone is not very effective.

diaphragm insertion

The proper fit of the diaphragm should be checked by a health care provider at least once a year, or if an individual has gained or lost more than 10 pounds. Also, individuals who have had a baby, a miscarriage, or an abortion must have the size of their birth control diaphragm checked. Size is important because if the diaphragm does not fit properly, it will not be effective in preventing pregnancy. Additionally, the user should periodically check the diaphragm by running water through it to determine if any little holes have developed. If any water leaks through the diaphragm it is not effective and should be discarded.

Your Health Is Everything

We are committed to compassion And Quality with a Patient-Friendly Approach

your sexual health and wellness is our primary concern

Effective family planning that fits your needs and lifestyle is a major part of a happy and fulfilling life.

Birth Control/Contraception Options

At Parkmed NYC, your sexual health and wellness is our primary concern. Effective family planning that fits your needs and lifestyle is a major part of a happy and fulfilling life.

Parkmed NYC Offers Onsite:

  • Mirena, Kyleena, Skyla, Paragard IUDs 
  • Emergency Contraception such as Plan B (The Morning After Pill)
  • Monthly Contraception (Birth Control Pills and NuvaRing)
  • Injectable Contraception (Depo-Provera)
  • Long Lasting Reversible Contraception (Nexplanon, Paragard IUD and Mirena IUD)
  • Permanent Sterilization (Tubal Ligation).