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IUD Birth Control



IUD Birth Control

IUD Birth Control

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small device made from copper or plastic, which prevents a fertilized egg from developing in the uterus. A physician inserts the IUD into the uterus, generally during the menstrual period when the cervix is softer. Once the IUD is in place, it can remain there for several years, depending on the individual and the type of IUD. We offer copper IUDs (Paragard) as well as hormonal IUDs (Liletta).

Paragard, which is made of copper and contains no hormones, is effective for up to ten years. Liletta is made of plastic and releases small amounts of levonorgestrel, and is effective for up to six years.

All IUDs function by manipulating the way that sperms move, stopping sperm from finding an egg. Hormonal IUDs can also prevent an egg from being released and thicken the cervical mucus, stopping the sperm from entering the uterus.

IUDs are more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. Less than 1 out of 100 women will get pregnant while using an IUD. It is to be noted that IUDs do not protect against STIs.

To remain effective, IUDs must be checked regularly which can be assessed at home without a doctor. IUD users may occasionally become pregnant because the IUD has shifted from its proper location. If a woman with an IUD experiences symptoms of pregnancy such as enlarged breasts, missed periods, nausea, or symptoms of infections such as fever or unusual vaginal discharge, her physician must be notified immediately. There is a serious risk of complications with pregnancies that occur with an IUD in place.

Women who have uterine, fallopian, ovarian, cervical or vaginal irregularities should not use an IUD. In some cases, the IUD may present certain complications. Insertion can cause painful menstrual cramps and women with an IUD may experience more severe menstrual cramps as well as longer and heavier periods. Women with an IUD may be more prone to certain infections.

The IUD is more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy.

Your Health Is Everything

We are committed to compassion And Quality with a Patient-Friendly Approach

your sexual health and wellness is our primary concern

Effective family planning that fits your needs and lifestyle is a major part of a happy and fulfilling life.

Birth Control/Contraception Options

At Parkmed NYC, your sexual health and wellness is our primary concern. Effective family planning that fits your needs and lifestyle is a major part of a happy and fulfilling life.

Parkmed NYC Offers Onsite:

  • Mirena, Kyleena, Skyla, Paragard IUDs 
  • Emergency Contraception such as Plan B (The Morning After Pill)
  • Monthly Contraception (Birth Control Pills and NuvaRing)
  • Injectable Contraception (Depo-Provera)
  • Long Lasting Reversible Contraception (Nexplanon, Paragard IUD and Mirena IUD)
  • Permanent Sterilization (Tubal Ligation).