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Parkmed Abortion Clinic New York, New York

Know Your Rights as a Patient

Patient Rights: Patient rights are rights that protect a patient while in a medical facility or undergoing medical treatment. This may consist of rights protected by federal law, state legislature, and facility defined rights that are contained in a bill of rights. Typically, a patient’s bill of rights ensures that…

Induction Abortion 

PARKMED NYC If you’re considering an induction abortion, Parkmed NYC is here to offer you comprehensive, safe, and compassionate care. Our expert team provides specialized support for patients in the later stages of pregnancy, ensuring you are fully informed and supported every step of the way. Appointment Request Induction Abortion…

Third Trimester Abortion Out of State

PARKMED NYC Traveling to New York for a third-trimester abortion? Parkmed NYC provides compassionate, confidential care. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step toward the care you deserve. Appointment Request Third Trimester Abortion Clinic for Patients Traveling to NY to Parkmed NYC At Parkmed NYC, we specialize in…

Laborless Abortion

Abortion Laborless Abortion® Experience a Safer, Faster, and Less Painful Abortion with Laborless D&E® Make An Appointment An Alternative to Labor Induction- vaginal delivery for Second & Third Trimester Abortions Parkmed has proudly pioneered a safe abortion procedure, Laborless D&E®, which only takes two visits to complete. Parkmed NYC has long…
abortion history

Abortion History in America

Between 1600 and 1900, abortion was a common practice in North America. Many indigenous groups developed the ability to induce abortions prior to the foundation of the United States.1 The legality of abortion during the colonial era varied from colony to colony and was a reflection of the mindset of the…
FACT OR FALLACY: ABORTION Mifeprex Abortion pill

Abortion: Addressing Myths

Abortion Poses a Risk: FALSE Anti-abortion organizations frequently assert that abortions lead to uterine scarring and cervical damage. These are false claims due to there being no medically recognized evidence to support these claims or any other link between abortion and any illness or condition. According to statistics from the Guttmacher…
Talking about Birth Control and STDs with your Parents

What is Liletta?

Liletta is an intrauterine device (IUD) that a medical professional inserts into the uterus to prevent conception. In several groups of women of reproductive age, Liletta has been shown to be more than 99% effective in preventing pregnancy for up to 6 years. Women who have had children and those…
Birth Control 101: Which method is the best for you?

What is Paragard?

What is Paragard, you might be asking. It is a tiny IUD (intrauterine device) that prevents pregnancy more than 99% of the time with just 1 straightforward active component. A healthcare professional inserts it into your uterus during a regular office visit to prevent pregnancy for as little or as…
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