

Third Trimester Abortion

Second Trimester Abortion

27.6+ weeks

Third Trimester Abortion

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Ask About Laborless Second & Third Trimester Abortion

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Ask About Laborless Second & Third Trimester Abortion

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Ask About Laborless Second & Third Trimester Abortion

In Clinic - Third Trimester Abortion

At ParkMed NYC, we use a specialized procedure which allows us to offer laborless third-trimester abortion to our patients. We are one of the only clinics in the country to offer this. You may not be aware, but the standard procedure at almost all other clinics is to surgically induce labor during a third-trimester abortion. We feel that putting a patient through labor during an abortion adds undue stress to what can already be a difficult time. If you would prefer to avoid labor while still having a safe, effective third-trimester abortion, choose laborless abortion from ParkMed.

A third-trimester laborless abortion must take place on two consecutive days. On the first day, cervical dilators will be inserted into the cervix to gently dilate the cervix overnight. You may also receive an injection into the uterus that will achieve pre-operative fetal demise and make it easier and safer to remove the pregnancy the following day. On the first day, after receiving confirmation of a positive pregnancy test by submitting samples of blood and urine, you will receive an ultrasound to determine how long you have been pregnant.

What to expect

After the length of your pregnancy has been determined, you will complete the first day of the late term abortion procedure. In the operating room, you will be attended to by a team of warm, friendly healthcare professionals. Throughout your laborless abortion procedure, our anesthesia staff will monitor your vital signs to ensure maximum safety. Our anesthesia staff will insert an intravenous catheter into a vein in your arm or hand and an IV sedation will be administered.

You will be asleep for approximately 3-7 minutes during the laborless abortion procedure. At Parkmed NYC, our expert Anesthesiologists deliver safe levels of anesthesia without any need for intubation (placing of a breathing tube to control breathing). Once asleep, the surgeon may give you an injection through the abdomen and into the uterus, depending on the length of your pregnancy. The surgeon will then insert a speculum into the vagina so that the cervix can be seen. The surgeon will insert laminaria, thin absorbent dilators made of synthetic or dried plant material which is compressed. The laminaria will absorb moisture from your body and expand to open the cervix gently and comfortably overnight. Once the dilators are in place the anesthesia staff will wake you. You will be able to change and the medical staff will let you know what time to return for the removal of the pregnancy.

You must stay within the 5 boroughs of New York City (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Staten Island) after the laminaria have been inserted. Please remember that you must have an escort accompany you home on both days.

You will return in the morning to have the pregnancy removed. Upon arrival, you will return to the operating room, where the anesthesia staff will monitor your vital signs and provide you with anesthesia. For the second day of the late term abortion procedure, you will be asleep for approximately 5-15 minutes. Once asleep, the pregnancy tissue will be removed. The surgeon will insert a speculum in the vagina to improve access to the cervix. The cervical dilators will be removed and the pregnancy tissue will be removed from the uterus via the dilated cervix. The surgeon will apply gentle suction to the lining of the uterus to ensure that all pregnancy tissue was removed.

All second trimester abortion patients receive prescriptions of medications to be taken post-operatively. An antibiotic is prescribed to prevent an infection. You will also be given a prescription for a medication to help the uterus to return to its pre-pregnant size. You may return to the clinic for your free post-operative appointment within 2-3 weeks. A healthcare provider will discuss birth control with you at that time.

leading providers of high-quality abortion care since 1971

a Third trimester abortion must take place on two consecutive days.

Pregnancy Calculator

Enter the first day of your last period to see your options

Please use this calculator before selecting your options from the appointment form below. Note: Seeing a trained medical professional is the only way to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available.

Your Health Is Everything

We are committed to compassion And Quality with a Patient-Friendly Approach

patient-friendly, highly skilled and responsive professionals

patient-centered environment designed to reduce anxiety and make our patients comfortable as they go though their abortion procedure

Our Patients Come First

Parkmed NYC’s board-certified team of doctors and medical professionals, assisted by highly qualified and sensitive support staff, truly believe that the patient comes first. Every member of our team understands the importance of remaining sensitive and responsive to the concerns of our patients.

At Parkmed NYC, one of the most renowned private abortion clinics in NYC, you will receive the highest quality care (NYC abortion) for all of your reproductive health needs. Our highly skilled staff is trained to assist you through a safe, comfortable visit. All of our anesthesia staff are certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support. All of our support staff maintains certification in Basic Life Support and follows strict infection control practices.

What to expect

At Parkmed NYC, individual abortion counseling is available to all patients and offered by trained and sensitive professionals who have been chosen because of their effectiveness in dealing with the abortion needs of individuals of all ages with special attention given to teenagers. Post-operative abortion counseling and abortion follow-up care are also provided on-site.

Parkmed NYC is a clean and modern clinical space for ambulatory surgery located in the heart of Manhattan and New York City. We are committed to a program of constant re-evaluation, redesign, and rebuilding in order to offer our patients the most advanced medical technologies and procedures. Our facility includes emergency-equipped operating suites and comfortable recovery rooms. The Parkmed NYC on-site laboratory accurately tests for determination of pregnancy, CBC, and urine tests. We also test for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Parkmed NYC offers patients the most advanced approved procedures, including abortions up to 27.6 weeks, non-surgical abortions (abortion pill), early abortions, tubal ligations, colposcopy and LEEP.

Parkmed NYC also has a 24-hour emergency hotline which gives patients immediate access to our medical team. Patients requiring inpatient abortion services are treated by our team of physicians at New York’s finest hospitals.

The Parkmed NYC on-site laboratory accurately tests for determination of pregnancy, CBC, and urine tests. We also test for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Parkmed NYC offers patients the most advanced approved procedures, including abortions up to 27.6 weeks, non-surgical abortions (abortion pill), early abortions, tubal ligations, colposcopy and LEEP.

The entire staff at Parkmed NYC are highly skilled professionals working as a team, focused on the patient’s well-being. The team’s leader is our full-time board-certified Medical Director. He is supported in this role by our full-time board-certified Director of Anesthesia, helped by our supporting staff of board-certified gynecologists, anesthesiologists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, nursing assistants, and counselors.

Parkmed NYC surgeons are highly qualified physicians who have met the high standard of our demanding credentialing process. Our nursing staff is of the highest caliber as well, comprised of knowledgeable and experienced reproductive and abortion care clinicians who reflect the diversity of the patient population we serve.

Many of our physicians and support staff are fluent in several languages and offer patients an opportunity to receive care from individuals who understand their cultures as well as their languages. Female providers are available.