

After Care Instructions

Abortion Post Op Instructions


After Care Instructions

Your Recovery

Now that your treatment is over, your recovery period is beginning. While treatment recovery is different for each of us, most patients experience both physical and emotional reactions to an operation. Take time to let yourself heal.

This information will tell you what you should do to help yourself recover and about some of the things that you may experience after your operation.

Our emergency line is accessible 24 hours and 7 days a week: (212) 686-6066

Information for Patients About Medications

As you leave Parkmed today you may receive any of the following prescriptions for the medications below. It is important that you fill your prescription(s) and take all your medication as directed.

Metronidazole is an antibiotic used to prevent bacteria that live in the vagina from infecting the uterus. It may be prescribed for either two or seven days per the provider’s discretion. Metronidazole is safe for penicillin allergic patients but should not be taken by patients with a known allergy to Metronidazole (also sold as Flagyl). Metronidazole may cause some abdominal discomfort and should be taken with or after meals. Patients taking Metronidazole should not drink alcohol. Women cannot breastfeed while on Metronidazole.

Cytotec (Misoprostol) is a prostaglandin that is commonly used to protect the stomachs of people who need to take daily doses of anti-inflammatory medication. For use in abortion, Cytotec is used to help keep the uterus contracted. After the pregnancy is removed, the uterus must contract in order to prevent vessels that supplied the pregnancy from bleeding. It is taken three (3) times per day for three (3) days. Other possible side effects may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, fever, and/or hot flashes.

Doxycycline is an antibiotic used to prevent bacteria that live in the vagina from infecting the uterus. It is taken two times per day for seven days. Doxycycline is safe for penicillin allergic patients, but should not be taken by nursing mothers and patients with a known allergy to tetracycline. You should not sunbathe while taking Doxycycline. Doxycycline may cause some abdominal discomfort and can be taken with meals.

Erythromycin is an antibiotic used to prevent bacteria that live in the vagina from infecting the uterus. It is taken three times per day for seven days. Erythromycin is safe for penicillin allergic patients, but should not be taken by patients with a known allergy to Erythromycin. Erythromycin may cause some abdominal discomfort and can be taken with meals. Patients who are taking Seldane or Propulsid should not take Erythromycin.

Naprosyn is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (NSAID). This drug is used to treat pain and inflammation.

Please call us at (800) 346-5111 or (212) 686-6066 if you have any questions.


You will be given prescriptions after the treatment. They are to help your uterus return to its normal size and to prevent an infection. During the procedure, you also may have been given an injection in your thigh to help your uterus return to normal. It is important that you fill your prescription(s) when you leave the clinic and take the medications as directed by the Discharge Nurse or the Hotline Coordinator.

You may experience some of the following conditions:

Bleeding You may have no bleeding, some spotting or staining, or menstrual-like bleeding on and off for up to 3-4 weeks. It is not unusual to have little or no bleeding in the first few days and then to have heavier bleeding once you become more active. If you have bleeding that fully soaks through one maxi-sized pad in one hour or less – lie down with your feet up and call us.

Cramping If you experience cramping, take Ibuprofen 200mg tabs (if you are not allergic), 2 to 3 tablets every 6 hours as needed. You can buy Ibuprofen without a prescription. If you are allergic you may use Extra-Strength Tylenol. Do not take aspirin. You can also use a hot water bottle or heating pad on your stomach for 20 minutes every 2 hours to help relieve your discomfort. You may also be given a prescription for Naprosyn.

Fever Take your temperature twice a day for the next 2 days. Call us if your temperature is greater than 100.4 degrees for more than 8 hours. Taking your temperature orally within 30 minutes of eating, drinking, smoking, or brushing your teeth will give you a false reading.

Breast Discomfort Some women get painful, swollen, hard or leaking breasts after the treatment. This is normal. It takes about 2 weeks for this to subside. Do not overly manipulate your breasts as this can increase milk production and cause more discomfort. Place an ice pack in a wash cloth, or small towel, and place it on your breasts for 20 minutes every 2 hours to help relieve the discomfort. It will also help to wear a sports bra.

You may also use Ibuprofen, Extra-Strength Tylenol, or Naprosyn as discussed above for breast discomfort.

Sadness Some women feel sad or blue after their treatment. This is normal and is due, to changes in your body’s hormone levels. It usually goes away in a few weeks. If you continue to feel sad, please call us so that we can arrange counseling.

You can go back to your regular daily activities after your procedure, but do not put anything into your vagina until you have had your follow-up exam. This means no vaginal intercourse, no tampax or tampons (use only pads), no tub baths or swimming (take showers), and no douching.


Your first period should begin in 4-8 weeks. It may be heavier than usual, with more cramping and possibly clotting. This is normal. Call us if you do not get your period within 12 weeks.

It is possible to get pregnant before your next period, since ovulation, the time when you can get pregnant, occurs before your period. Remember to use a reliable method of birth control and to wait until after your follow-up exam (at least 2 weeks after your procedure) before having intercourse.

Follow-up Exam

In order to assure that you are progressing normally, you should have a pelvic exam 2-3 weeks after your procedure.

If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, please call us:

  • Bleeding that completely soaks one maxi-sized pad in one hour or less.
  • Fever greater than 100.4 F for more than 8 hours. (Remember that eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum, or brushing your teeth within 30 minutes of taking your temperature orally will give you a false reading).
  • Pain that does not respond to the Motrin or Tylenol as directed above.

Your Health Is Everything

We are committed to compassion And Quality with a Patient-Friendly Approach

What to expect

Access to abortion care in the second trimester can be extremely difficult to attain and can require extensive searching and difficulties overcoming obstacles. We, at Parkmed NYC, have a specialized program for those patients who are faced with the potentially disheartening situation of a pregnancy affected by a fetal anomaly. Our board-certified OB/GYN physicians are experts in the area of first and second trimester abortions. We are a national referral center for terminations in such situations and we are the only New York State center individually approved by the New York State Department of Health to provide maximum services for patients who find themselves in need of such assistance. Our staff has been trained in the sensitivity of this specialized concern to help minimize the emotional and physical concerns of our patients and to provide the necessary support and respect needed. We feel that it is important to involve the patient’s family and to ease their discomfort as much as possible in such a situation. Private appointments and rooms can be arranged for services to include the patient’s recovery with the family for an additional fee. Many patients appreciate this privacy arrangement for their special needs.

We assure all of our patients an individual approach for their unique needs and we will cooperate with your private physician for any testing requests. We offer full fetal genetic testing and evaluation, and will work with your physician to ensure that all your needs are met going forward.

Please call us to discuss this further and to get answers to any questions that you may have. As always, we look forward to helping our patients in any way possible.

patient-centered environment

At Parkmed NYC, individual abortion counseling is available to all patients and offered by trained and sensitive professionals who have been chosen because of their effectiveness in dealing with the abortion needs of individuals of all ages with special attention given to teenagers. Post-operative abortion counseling and abortion follow-up care are also provided on-site.

Parkmed NYC is a clean and modern clinical space for ambulatory surgery located in the heart of Manhattan and New York City. We are committed to a program of constant re-evaluation, redesign, and rebuilding in order to offer our patients the most advanced medical technologies and procedures. Our facility includes emergency-equipped operating suites and comfortable recovery rooms. The Parkmed NYC on-site laboratory accurately tests for determination of pregnancy, CBC, and urine tests. We also test for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Parkmed NYC offers patients the most advanced approved procedures, including abortions up to 27.6 weeks, non-surgical abortions (abortion pill), early abortions, tubal ligations, colposcopy and LEEP.

Parkmed NYC also has a 24-hour emergency hotline which gives patients immediate access to our medical team. Patients requiring inpatient abortion services are treated by our team of physicians at New York’s finest hospitals.

The Parkmed NYC on-site laboratory accurately tests for determination of pregnancy, CBC, and urine tests. We also test for the presence of sexually transmitted infections. Parkmed NYC offers patients the most advanced approved procedures, including abortions up to 27.6 weeks, non-surgical abortions (abortion pill), early abortions, tubal ligations, colposcopy and LEEP.

The entire staff at Parkmed NYC are highly skilled professionals working as a team, focused on the patient’s well-being. The team’s leader is our full-time board-certified Medical Director. He is supported in this role by our full-time board-certified Director of Anesthesia, helped by our supporting staff of board-certified gynecologists, anesthesiologists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, nursing assistants, and counselors.

Parkmed NYC surgeons are highly qualified physicians who have met the high standard of our demanding credentialing process. Our nursing staff is of the highest caliber as well, comprised of knowledgeable and experienced reproductive and abortion care clinicians who reflect the diversity of the patient population we serve.

Many of our physicians and support staff are fluent in several languages and offer patients an opportunity to receive care from individuals who understand their cultures as well as their languages. Female providers are available.

Our Doctors Are Experts In Abortion Care

We have a specialized program for those patients who are faced with the potentially disheartening situation of a pregnancy with affected by a fetal anomaly.